2008年7月12日 星期六
這是ARMEN A ALCHIAN的《Universal economics》書中開頭的第一句話,我一直很想要這本書,這幾天一直在網路上找這本書,從amazon.com、amazon.jp、amazon.uk、amazon.ca,還其他網路書局,都只有二手的,而二手的有些賣家根本不送來台灣,肯送也要等很久;台灣的各大學圖書館當然也有,但是我早以不是學生,要借也要麻煩別人,最重要的是,我要新書,不想要二手或是影印版,可是我又很想看,本來想算了,到amazon.jp買二手的好了(台日可是好朋友呀!),就在昨天在中國的論壇找到電子檔,哈哈,內容我有了,實體書就慢慢等出版商再次出版囉!
2008年5月25日 星期日
Capital, In the sense of capital value, is simply future income discounted or, in other words, capitalized.The value of any property, or rights to wealth, is its value as a source of income and is found by discounting that expected income.We may, if we so choose, for logical convenience, include as property the ownership in ourselves , or we may , conformably to custom, regard human beings as in a separate category.
(Fisher, Irving. The Theory of Interest, as determined by Impatience to Spend Income and Opportunity to Invest it. New York The MAcmillan Co., 1930, 13-14 PP. )
(Fisher, Irving. The Theory of Interest, as determined by Impatience to Spend Income and Opportunity to Invest it. New York The MAcmillan Co., 1930, 13-14 PP. )
2008年5月17日 星期六
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